I believe everyday is a new opportunity to make a difference.

When students enter my classroom they are part of a community of learners. I teach with integrity and intention, I give my students a voice and encourage mistakes and questions. I am known for my ability to think on my feet and adjust to best fit the needs of the students in the moment.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Teaching Related Activities

Harrison Park Elementary - Summer Academy, Portland, OR, June 2010 - July 2010

Assisted in Reading Recovery program by providing students with a literacy rich environment and committing to the scripted lesson plans provided by the district.

Developed and executed engaging art, math, and science activities to further students learning during the after school program ran by Impact Northwest.

Promoted students motivation, participation and active listening skills through the implementation of positive reinforcement and awards.

Capitol Hill Elementary, Portland, OR, January 2010 – May 2010

Effectively and intentionally implemented various teaching strategies including: cooperative learning, hands-on approaches to learning and interdisciplinary units.

Developed and taught a themed unit on Tropical Rainforests which integrated science, math, writing, reading, art and the computer/research lab. Formed a lasting impact.

Used Writer’s Workshop model of instruction to help students develop their writing skills, included craft lessons and graphic organizers to supplement the curriculum.

Successfully implemented classroom management techniques that included pieces from the theories of Love and Logic and EnVoy, while promoting student achievement and self-confidence.

Llewellyn Elementary, Portland, OR, October 2009 – December 2009

Creatively and thoughtfully developed a ten-day unit on the Explorers of the Americas, which engaged students and stretched their thinking about the first to discover America.

Provided students with the opportunity to use creativity and higher-order thinking skills to present their final projects in ways that were nontraditional.

Assisted cooperating teacher in grading and assessing students using the state standards in all subject areas.

Organized and led first time small group instruction for students who struggled in reading.

Assisted in parent-teacher conferences learning to give constructive feedback.